Add new entries in AHDC::adc

On the ifarm, we can see the content of an hipo file using :

hipo-utils -dump myfile.hipo

This figure shows a typical output. It displays the content of the AHDC::adc bank. In the following, we will see how to add a new entry.

An example of hipo file

Step 1

Go in /gemc/source/hitprocess/clas12/alert/ and modify the function ahdchitprocess::integrateDgtz().

map<string, double> ahdc_HitProcess::integrateDgt(MHit* aHit, int hitn) {
    // starting part of the code

    dgtz["hitn"]      = hitn;
	dgtz["sector"]    = sector;
	dgtz["layer"]     = layer;
	dgtz["component"] = component;
	dgtz["ADC_order"] = 0;
	dgtz["ADC_ADC"]   = (int) output["max_value"]; // adc 
	dgtz["ADC_time"]  = (float) output["t_ovr"]; // ns
	dgtz["ADC_ped"]   = (int) output["noise_level"]; // adc
	dgtz["ADC_integral"] = (int) output["integral"]; // adc per 44 ns
	dgtz["ADC_timestamp"] = (long) output["t_start"]; // ns

    dgtz["ADC_newEntry"] = value_of_my_newEntry; 

	dgtz["TDC_order"] = 0;
	dgtz["TDC_TDC"]   = output["t_start"];
	// remaining part of the code
	return dgtz;
} // end of the funtion

Step 2

Go in gemc/source/output/ and modify the function HipoSchema :: HipoSchema(). I add "newEntry/F" in alertAhdcchema.parse("..."). The letter "F" is the type of my new entry, it can be I, S, B, F, D, or L (there is a comment about them in the code, you can check check).

HipoSchema :: HipoSchema()
	// starting part of the code

    // detectors

    alertAhdcADCchema.parse("sector/B, layer/B, component/S, order/B, ADC/I, time/F, ped/S, integral/I, timestamp/L, newEntry/F");
	alertAhdcTDCchema.parse("sector/B, layer/B, component/S, order/B, TDC/I, ped/S");
	alertAtofADCchema.parse("sector/B, layer/B, component/S, order/B, ADC/I, time/F, ped/S");

    // remaining part of the code

Step 3 (can be skipped)

Nothing to do, just understanding what going on. During the simulation, there is a part dedicated to the recording of data in hipo files.

Look at gemc/source/output/

void hipo_output :: writeG4DgtIntegrated(outputContainer* output, vector<hitOutput> HO, string hitType, map<string, gBank> *banksMap) {...}

and gemc/source/output/

map <string, gBank> read_banks(goptions gemcOpt, map <string, string> allSystems) { ... }

Step 4

Update the database containing the bank definition. Go in gemc/detectors/clas12/alert/ahdc/

insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "bankid",   $bankId, "Di", "$bankname bank ID");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "sector",       1, "Di", "set to 0");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "layer",        2, "Di", "hipo layer is superlayer*10 + layer");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "component",    3, "Di", "wire number");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_order",    4, "Di", "set to 0");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_ADC",      5, "Di", "ADC integral from pulse fit");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_time" ,    6, "Di", "adc time from pulse fit");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_ped" ,     7, "Di", "pedestal from pulse analysis - currently set to doca");
    insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_newEntry" ,     8, "Dd", "this my new entry");
#	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "TDC_order",    4, "Di", "set to 0");
#	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "TDC_TDC",      5, "Di", "TDC integral from pulse fit");
#	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "TDC_ped" ,     6, "Di", "pedestal from pulse analysis - currently set to doca");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "hitn",        99, "Di", "hit number");

This is the end. Now you have to go in your gemc/detectors/clas12/alert (the place where you run gemc).

cd ahdc
./ config.dat
cd ..

and run :

/yourpathto/gemc/source/gemc alert.gcard -OUTPUT='hipo, ten_events.hipo' -N=10 -USE_GUI=0