
This page is a documentation of my work related to the ALERT software. I work on the simulation of the AHDC signal. A description of the project and the results are accessible in Preparation of the ALERT experiment at JLab (see the project of September 2024).

The simulation is based on GEMC. The following lines describe the steps to run my code.



The must simple way to run my code is to have access to the JLab ifarm. Here are some useful command lines :

ssh -XY
ssh -XY ifarm

To run the full simulation chain, we need to load the CLAS12 modules, ...

First use

This section concerns people that are not familiar with the software. For others, it is a prerequisite to expect the same results as mine. It is based on the official ALERT software wiki.


If you have the correct right access, we recommend to create a new work space following these commande line :

cd /work/clas12/users/
mkdir yourjlabusername
cd yourjlabusername 

Setup "default" CLAS12 software modules

Run these command lines :

module use /scigroup/cvmfs/hallb/clas12/sw/modulefiles
module load clas12
module switch gemc/dev

This set of commands can be added into your .login file in your home directory.

Setup GEMC

In your work space (/work/clas12/users/yourjlabusername), create a new repository named gemc

mkdir gemc
cd gemc

GEMC source

Now, clone my version of GEMC :

git clone source

N.B: The repository has been renamed source.

If you don't have a ssh key, you will get an error. You can learn how to create one and add this in your GitHub account. Then you can re-use the same command. If you don't want to create a ssh key, you can use :

git clone source

Now go inside the directory and compile gemc.

cd source
scons -j4

An executabe called gemc has been created.

GEMC detector

Go back in your working space (/work/clas12/users/yourjlabusername/gemc) and clone this repository:

git clone detectors


git clone detectors

Now go inside the directory

cd detectors/clas12/alert

and copy and paste the following lines in the terminal (line by line)

cd ../targets
./ config.dat
cd ../alert/ahdc
./ config.dat
cd ../atof
./ config.dat
cd ../external_shell_nonActif
./ config.dat
cd ../He_bag
./ config.dat
cd ../ 

Run my code

At this step, everything is setup. Go in the directory where the geometry of the ALERT detector has been defined (yourpathto/gemc/detectors/clas12/alert)

Example of run :

/yourpathto/gemc/source/gemc alert.gcard -OUTPUT='hipo, ten_events.hipo' -N=10 -USE_GUI=0

Explanation :

  • /yourpathto/gemc/source/gemc is the executable that has been generated after compiling the gemc source code (scons -j4)

  • alert.gacrd is the configuration file that contains the geometry of the ALERT detector. It also allows to define the kind of particle to be generated, their initial position and momentum coordinates...

  • -OUTPUT='hipo, ten_events.hipo' sets the name of the output file. In this case, ten_events.hipo can be replace by myfilename.hipo.

  • -N=10 sets the number of events to be generated.

  • -USE_GUI=0 when this option is set to 1, a user interface appears.


To view the content of the file on the ifarm, use hipo-utils

hipo-utils -dump ten-events.hipo

N.B : This command line is already available on the ifarm. To use it on a local computer, follow the instructions of HIPO Utilities JAVA.

Tips : In your equivalent .bashrc file, define this alias

alias hipo-utils="/yourpathto/bin/"

hipo-utils2 hipo-utils3

To go further, visit CLAS12 Software Center / Analysis


As it's much simple to learn from examples...

Simulation parameters


The type of particle, the iniatial coordinates, momentum, ... are defined in a file called alert.gcard accessible in gemc/detectors/clas12/alert. Here is an example of such a file.

	<!-- target. ALERT target -->
	<detector name="../targets/target" factory="TEXT" variation="alert"/> 
	<!-- Implementation ATOF, ahdc -->
	<detector name="atof/atof" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
	<detector name="ahdc/ahdc" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
	<detector name="./external_shell_nonActif/alertshell" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>

	<!-- He bag -->
	<detector name="./He_bag/hebag" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>

	<!-- hall field -->
	<option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-newSolenoid"/>

	<!-- fields, precise mode -->
	<option name="FIELD_PROPERTIES" value="TorusSymmetric,     2*mm, G4ClassicalRK4, linear"/>
	<option name="FIELD_PROPERTIES" value="clas12-newSolenoid, 1*mm, G4ClassicalRK4, linear"/>

	<option name="INTEGRATEDRAW" value="*"/>

	<option name="PHYSICS" value="STD + FTFP_BERT"/>
	<option name="SAVE_ALL_MOTHERS" value="0"/>
	<!-- beam conditions -->
	<option name="BEAM_P"   value="proton, 160*MeV, 90.0*deg, 0*deg"/>
 	<option name="SPREAD_P"  value="90*MeV, 30.0*deg, 180*deg"/>
	<option name="BEAM_V"    value="(0, 0, 0)cm"/>
	<option name="SPREAD_V"  value="(0.0, 15.0)cm"/>

	<!--  Run Number 11, picked up by digitization routines -->
	<option name="RUNNO"    value="11" />
	<option name="DIGITIZATION_VARIATION"  value="default" />
	<option name="OUTPUT" value="hipo, out.hipo"/>


The part of interest is called beam conditions. With this configuration file, the software will generate proton with momentum \(p\) = 160 MeV oriented along \(\theta\) = 90° and \(\phi\) = 0°. In fact, no ! Indeed, due to the option SPREAD_P, the real values are uniform draws :

\(p\)160 MeV ± 90 MeV
\(\theta\)90° ± 30°
\(\phi\)0° ± 180°

This is the same logic for the position (BEAM_V and SPREAD_V). In other words :

<option name="BEAM_P"   value="type_of_particle, p*MeV, theta*deg, phi*deg"/>
<option name="SPREAD_P"  value="p*MeV, theta*deg, phi*deg"/>
<option name="BEAM_V"    value="(x,y,z)cm"/>
<option name="SPREAD_V"  value="(r=sqrt(x²+y²),z)cm"/>

Reference GEMC options. The following plot shows the momentum distribution of ten thousands particle generated in GEMC with the above alert.gcard. We can see that all the parameters are centered in the values defined in BEAM_P. The widths of the distributions correspond to the value defined in SPREAD_P.



  • Use ./gemc -BEAM_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.


  1. What does the “variation” attribute in <detector ...> represent?
<!-- target. ALERT target -->
<detector name="../targets/target" factory="TEXT" variation="alertHe"/>

<!-- Implementation ATOF, ahdc -->
	<detector name="atof/atof" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
	<detector name="ahdc/ahdc" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
	<detector name="./external_shell_nonActif/alertshell" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>

	<!-- He bag -->
	<detector name="./He_bag/hebag" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>

It represents a specific configuration. These configurations are defined in @allconfs:

Add new entries in AHDC::adc

On the ifarm, we can see the content of an hipo file using :

hipo-utils -dump myfile.hipo

This figure shows a typical output. It displays the content of the AHDC::adc bank. In the following, we will see how to add a new entry.

An example of hipo file

Step 1

Go in /gemc/source/hitprocess/clas12/alert/ and modify the function ahdchitprocess::integrateDgtz().

map<string, double> ahdc_HitProcess::integrateDgt(MHit* aHit, int hitn) {
    // starting part of the code

    dgtz["hitn"]      = hitn;
	dgtz["sector"]    = sector;
	dgtz["layer"]     = layer;
	dgtz["component"] = component;
	dgtz["ADC_order"] = 0;
	dgtz["ADC_ADC"]   = (int) output["max_value"]; // adc 
	dgtz["ADC_time"]  = (float) output["t_ovr"]; // ns
	dgtz["ADC_ped"]   = (int) output["noise_level"]; // adc
	dgtz["ADC_integral"] = (int) output["integral"]; // adc per 44 ns
	dgtz["ADC_timestamp"] = (long) output["t_start"]; // ns

    dgtz["ADC_newEntry"] = value_of_my_newEntry; 

	dgtz["TDC_order"] = 0;
	dgtz["TDC_TDC"]   = output["t_start"];
	// remaining part of the code
	return dgtz;
} // end of the funtion

Step 2

Go in gemc/source/output/ and modify the function HipoSchema :: HipoSchema(). I add "newEntry/F" in alertAhdcchema.parse("..."). The letter "F" is the type of my new entry, it can be I, S, B, F, D, or L (there is a comment about them in the code, you can check check).

HipoSchema :: HipoSchema()
	// starting part of the code

    // detectors

    alertAhdcADCchema.parse("sector/B, layer/B, component/S, order/B, ADC/I, time/F, ped/S, integral/I, timestamp/L, newEntry/F");
	alertAhdcTDCchema.parse("sector/B, layer/B, component/S, order/B, TDC/I, ped/S");
	alertAtofADCchema.parse("sector/B, layer/B, component/S, order/B, ADC/I, time/F, ped/S");

    // remaining part of the code

Step 3 (can be skipped)

Nothing to do, just understanding what going on. During the simulation, there is a part dedicated to the recording of data in hipo files.

Look at gemc/source/output/

void hipo_output :: writeG4DgtIntegrated(outputContainer* output, vector<hitOutput> HO, string hitType, map<string, gBank> *banksMap) {...}

and gemc/source/output/

map <string, gBank> read_banks(goptions gemcOpt, map <string, string> allSystems) { ... }

Step 4

Update the database containing the bank definition. Go in gemc/detectors/clas12/alert/ahdc/

insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "bankid",   $bankId, "Di", "$bankname bank ID");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "sector",       1, "Di", "set to 0");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "layer",        2, "Di", "hipo layer is superlayer*10 + layer");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "component",    3, "Di", "wire number");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_order",    4, "Di", "set to 0");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_ADC",      5, "Di", "ADC integral from pulse fit");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_time" ,    6, "Di", "adc time from pulse fit");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_ped" ,     7, "Di", "pedestal from pulse analysis - currently set to doca");
    insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "ADC_newEntry" ,     8, "Dd", "this my new entry");
#	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "TDC_order",    4, "Di", "set to 0");
#	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "TDC_TDC",      5, "Di", "TDC integral from pulse fit");
#	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "TDC_ped" ,     6, "Di", "pedestal from pulse analysis - currently set to doca");
	insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, "hitn",        99, "Di", "hit number");

This is the end. Now you have to go in your gemc/detectors/clas12/alert (the place where you run gemc).

cd ahdc
./ config.dat
cd ..

and run :

/yourpathto/gemc/source/gemc alert.gcard -OUTPUT='hipo, ten_events.hipo' -N=10 -USE_GUI=0

Creation of the AHDC::wf136 bank?

I wanted to create a new bank to save the digitized AHDC signal. I called it AHDC::wf136. wf refers "waveform" and 136 is the sampling number. (It is important to note that 136 is an abitrary number that should normally depends on (int) (tmax-tmin)/44ns. Here, the time windows is 6000 ns.)

The goal is to provide this digitized signal to the decoder in the reconstruction algorithm.

Step 1 (classic)

In gemc/source/hitprocess/clas12/alert/, I added :

for (int itr=1;itr<=136;itr++){
                std::ostringstream sEntry;
                sEntry << "wf136_s" << itr;
                dgtz[sEntry.str()] = (int);

Step 2 (classic)

In gemc/detectors/clas12/alert/ahdc/, I added these lines :

for my $itr (1..136) {
                my $entry = "wf136_s$itr";
                insert_bank_variable(\%configuration, $bankname, $entry,$itr+3, "Di", "Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° $itr");

To update the database, in gemc/detectors/clas12/alert/ahdc, I run :

./ config.dat

Step 3 (less classic)

In gemc/source/output/hipoSchema.h, I declared :

class HipoSchema {
    // ...
    // detectors
    hipo::schema alertAhdcWF136chema;
    // ..

In gemc/source/output/, I added :

// detectors
alertAhdcWF136chema = hipo::schema("AHDC::wf136",22400, 13); // <== this line !
// ...
// detectors
std::ostringstream ListOfAhdcWF136;
ListOfAhdcWF136 << "sector/B, layer/B, component/S";
for (int itr=1;itr<=136;itr++){
        ListOfAhdcWF136 << ", s" << itr << "/I";
alertAhdcWF136chema.parse(ListOfAhdcWF136.str());  // <== this line !
// ...
schemasToLoad["AHDC::wf136"] = alertAhdcWF136chema; // <== this line !
// ...

Step 4 (very subtle)

The writting of the digitized bank is done in hipo_output::writeDgtIntegrated(...).

hitType is the name of the detector. For ALERT, hitType == "ahdc".

The line bellow extract the structure of the AHDC bank.

gBank dgtBank     = getDgtBankFromMap(hitType, banksMap);

If you do a cout << dgtBank, you will got something like that :

======> Show dgtBank
 >> Bank ahdc loaded with id 2 : ahdc bank ID
  > Variable : sector	 id: 1	 type: Di	 Description: set to 1
  > Variable : layer	 id: 2	 type: Di	 Description: hipo layer is superlayer*10 + layer
  > Variable : component	 id: 3	 type: Di	 Description: wire number
  > Variable : ADC_order	 id: 4	 type: Di	 Description: set to 1
  > Variable : ADC_ADC	 id: 5	 type: Di	 Description: ADC integral from pulse fit
  > Variable : ADC_time	 id: 6	 type: Dd	 Description: adc time from pulse fit
  > Variable : ADC_ped	 id: 7	 type: Di	 Description: pedestal from pulse analysis - currently set to noise level
  > Variable : ADC_integral	 id: 8	 type: Di	 Description: integral
  > Variable : ADC_timestamp	 id: 9	 type: Dd	 Description: currently set to t_start
  > Variable : ADC_t_cfd	 id: 10	 type: Dd	 Description: time from constant fraction discriminator
  > Variable : ADC_mctime	 id: 11	 type: Dd	 Description: mc time - weighted average with Edep
  > Variable : ADC_nsteps	 id: 12	 type: Di	 Description: nsteps
  > Variable : ADC_mcEtot	 id: 13	 type: Dd	 Description: mcEtot
  > Variable : hitn	 id: 99	 type: Di	 Description: hit number
  > Variable : wf136_s1	 id: 4	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 1
  > Variable : wf136_s2	 id: 5	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 2
  > Variable : wf136_s3	 id: 6	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 3
  > Variable : wf136_s4	 id: 7	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 4
  > Variable : wf136_s5	 id: 8	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 5
  > Variable : wf136_s6	 id: 9	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 6
  > Variable : wf136_s7	 id: 10	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 7
  > Variable : wf136_s8	 id: 11	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 8
  > Variable : wf136_s9	 id: 12	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 9
  > Variable : wf136_s10	 id: 13	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 10
  > Variable : wf136_s11	 id: 14	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 11
  > Variable : wf136_s12	 id: 15	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 12
  > Variable : wf136_s13	 id: 16	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 13
  > Variable : wf136_s14	 id: 17	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 14
  > Variable : wf136_s15	 id: 18	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 15
  > Variable : wf136_s16	 id: 19	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 16
  > Variable : wf136_s17	 id: 20	 type: Di	 Description: Digitized AHDC siganl : sample n° 17
  // etc...

At this step, I was confident with the fact that I could access my new bank. To continue, I just got inspire by the code already written. As AHDC::wf136 is neither of type adc nor tdc, I had to do some stuffs manually. So I extracted the schema and the bank like that :

// Specific to AHDC and AHDC::wf136
hipo::schema ahdcWF136Schema = (output->hipoSchema)->schemasToLoad["AHDC::wf136"];
hipo::bank ahdcWF136Bank(ahdcWF136Schema, HO.size());
//std::cout << "======> Show ahdcWF136Bank" << std::endl;
//; // to have a preview the AHDC::wf136 // of course, at this step, all entries are set to 0

It remained to fill the bank when hitType == "ahdc" :

for(auto &bankName : dgtBank.orderedNames ) {
// ...
    if(hasADCBank) {
        // looping over the hits
        for(unsigned int nh=0; nh<HO.size(); nh++) {
            map<string, double> theseDgts = HO[nh].getDgtz();
            for(auto &thisVar: theseDgts) {
                // found data match to bank definition
                if(thisVar.first == bname) {
                    string varType = dgtBank.getVarType(thisVar.first);
                    // sector, layer, component are common in adc/tdc so their names are w/o prefix
                    // sector, layers are "Bytes"
                    if(bname == "sector" || bname == "layer") {
                        detectorADCBank.putByte(bname.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second);
                        if (hitType == "ahdc") {ahdcWF136Bank.putByte(bname.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second);} // <== This line !
                    } else if(bname == "component") {
                        detectorADCBank.putShort(bname.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second);
                        if (hitType == "ahdc") {ahdcWF136Bank.putShort(bname.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second);} // <== This line !
                    } else {
                        // all other ADC vars must begin with "ADC_"
                        if(bname.find("ADC_") == 0) {
                            string adcName = bname.substr(4);
                            if(varType == "i") {
                                detectorADCBank.putInt(adcName.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second);
                            } else if(varType == "d") {
                                detectorADCBank.putFloat(adcName.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second);
                        } else if(bname.find("wf136_") == 0) { // actually this prefix only appears in AHDC
                            if (hitType == "ahdc") {
                                string wf136Name = bname.substr(6);
                                if (varType == "i"){
                                    ahdcWF136Bank.putInt(wf136Name.c_str(), nh, thisVar.second); // <== This line !
// ...


AHDC::wf136_isthere AHDC::wf136

AHDC signal

The process to obtain this signal is well explained in Preparation of the ALERT experiment at Jefferson Lab (chapter 4). Here is a simulation of the AHDC signal. This section presents the definition of each decoding output.

AHDC signal + decoding


This the amplitude of the signal. It is important to note that at this stage we only have a digitized signal. A way to extract a precise value of this amplitude is to do a Gaussian fit using 5 or more points around the sample maximum and theoretically determine the maximum of this Gaussian. However, this decoding algorithm needs to be very fast, whereas fits usually take a long time. We have do it simple : the amplitude is simply the average of the 5 samples around the sample maximum. Actually, it may appears that the signal is saturated like in the figure bellow. In that case, the amplitude corresponds to the adc_max but the moment when the signal reach it is the middle of the plateau.



Also called pedestal, it gives an indication the mean value of the noise. As we can't predict the noise, for the moment, we're using an average of the first five samples.


This is the half of the amplitude after removing the noise level. It is used to determine t_start and t_ovr.


This is the moment when the signal reaches the half of its amplitude. Because of the fluctuation due to the noise, we agree that it corresponds to the last past below the threshold and before max_value. As the time is also sampled, we cannot expect t_start having the form t_min + i*samplingTime. Instead, it exists i such as \(t_i < t_{start} < t_{i+1}\). If \(S_i\) is the value of the signal at \(t_i\), approximating the signal by a straight line gives the equation :

\[ y = \frac{S_{i+1} - S_i}{t_{i+1}-t_i} (t - t_i) + S_i := \mbox{slope}*(t - t_i) + S_i \]

When \(y = \mbox{threshold}\), \(t = t_{start}\). Hence :

t_{start} = t_i + \frac{\mbox{threshold} - S_i}{\mbox{slope}} \]


This is the time minus t_start when the signal falls below the threshold after having reached its maximum value. Because of the fluctuation due to the noise, we agree that it corresponds to the first pass below the threshold and after max_value. It is determined in the same way that t_start.


This is the green area shown in the figure SignalDecoded. It is equals to the sum of all bins (samples) between t_start and t_ovr.


This is the time obtained using the Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFD) algorithm. The CFD has the particularity of giving the time when the signal reaches a constant fraction of its amplitude. The process to determine this time is illustrated by the figure bellow. The CFD depends on two parameters : a fraction factor and a delay. Currently, the fraction factor is set to $0.3$ and the delay to 5 (in index units) but they have to be optimized !

AlgoCFD.png N.B : This image has been taken from EDINBURGH INSTRUMENTS.


Decoding output vs AHDC::adc entries

AHDC::adc entriesDecoding output
