Simulation parameters
The type of particle, the iniatial coordinates, momentum, ... are defined in a file called alert.gcard accessible in gemc/detectors/clas12/alert
. Here is an example of such a file.
<!-- target. ALERT target -->
<detector name="../targets/target" factory="TEXT" variation="alert"/>
<!-- Implementation ATOF, ahdc -->
<detector name="atof/atof" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
<detector name="ahdc/ahdc" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
<detector name="./external_shell_nonActif/alertshell" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
<!-- He bag -->
<detector name="./He_bag/hebag" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
<!-- hall field -->
<option name="HALL_FIELD" value="clas12-newSolenoid"/>
<!-- fields, precise mode -->
<option name="FIELD_PROPERTIES" value="TorusSymmetric, 2*mm, G4ClassicalRK4, linear"/>
<option name="FIELD_PROPERTIES" value="clas12-newSolenoid, 1*mm, G4ClassicalRK4, linear"/>
<option name="INTEGRATEDRAW" value="*"/>
<option name="PHYSICS" value="STD + FTFP_BERT"/>
<option name="SAVE_ALL_MOTHERS" value="0"/>
<!-- beam conditions -->
<option name="BEAM_P" value="proton, 160*MeV, 90.0*deg, 0*deg"/>
<option name="SPREAD_P" value="90*MeV, 30.0*deg, 180*deg"/>
<option name="BEAM_V" value="(0, 0, 0)cm"/>
<option name="SPREAD_V" value="(0.0, 15.0)cm"/>
<!-- Run Number 11, picked up by digitization routines -->
<option name="RUNNO" value="11" />
<option name="DIGITIZATION_VARIATION" value="default" />
<option name="OUTPUT" value="hipo, out.hipo"/>
The part of interest is called beam conditions. With this configuration file, the software will generate proton with momentum \(p\) = 160 MeV oriented along \(\theta\) = 90° and \(\phi\) = 0°. In fact, no ! Indeed, due to the option SPREAD_P, the real values are uniform draws :
parameters | values |
\(p\) | 160 MeV ± 90 MeV |
\(\theta\) | 90° ± 30° |
\(\phi\) | 0° ± 180° |
This is the same logic for the position (BEAM_V and SPREAD_V). In other words :
<option name="BEAM_P" value="type_of_particle, p*MeV, theta*deg, phi*deg"/>
<option name="SPREAD_P" value="p*MeV, theta*deg, phi*deg"/>
<option name="BEAM_V" value="(x,y,z)cm"/>
<option name="SPREAD_V" value="(r=sqrt(x²+y²),z)cm"/>
Reference GEMC options. The following plot shows the momentum distribution of ten thousands particle generated in GEMC with the above alert.gcard. We can see that all the parameters are centered in the values defined in BEAM_P. The widths of the distributions correspond to the value defined in SPREAD_P.
- Use
./gemc -BEAM_P="show_all"
to print the list of G4 supported particles.
particle | pid |
proton | 2212 |
neutron | 2112 |
alpha | 1000020040 |
He3 | 1000020030 |
triton | 1000010030 |
- What does the “variation” attribute in
<detector ...>
<!-- target. ALERT target -->
<detector name="../targets/target" factory="TEXT" variation="alertHe"/>
<!-- Implementation ATOF, ahdc -->
<detector name="atof/atof" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
<detector name="ahdc/ahdc" factory="TEXT" variation="default"/>
<detector name="./external_shell_nonActif/alertshell" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
<!-- He bag -->
<detector name="./He_bag/hebag" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
It represents a specific configuration. These configurations are defined in @allconfs
where thisDet == {He_bag, ahdc or atof}